How can I gift someone an eBook/audiobook?
You can use the “Buy as Gift” option
How it works
To buy an eBook/audiobook as a gift, you only need to click the “Buy as Gift” button on each title’s details page.
After purchasing the eBook/audiobook as a gift, please check [My Account] > [Your Gift Orders] to access the gift code.
You can send the gift code for the eBook/audiobook to the recipient through Email, Social Media, etc.
Receive a gift code (redemption code) after your purchase.
*You can not use coupons or select multiple payment methods when buying as a gift.
*You can buy each eBook/audiobook only one at a time.
*You can buy the same eBook/audiobook as a gift up to 10 times within 180 days after the first purchase.
Send the gift code through email, Social Media, etc.
*Gift codes are valid for 180 days from its purchase, and can be only redeemed once.
The recipient can redeem the eBook/audiobook by entering the gift code on the Redeem Gift Code page.
*You can check the gift code and its expiration date from [My Account] > [Your Gift Orders].
*Recipient needs to have a BOOK☆WALKER account in order to redeem the code.
The recipient can start reading on the Browser Viewer, or by downloading the BOOK☆WALKER App on Android / iOS devices.
About purchase/settlement
- Boosted points (for point-back promotions) will not be granted when buying as a gift. See details about BOOK☆WALKER Point from here
- Points based on the membership rank will be granted.
- You can not use coupons when buying as gift.
- You can buy each eBook as a gift one at a time.
- You can buy the same eBook as a gift up to 10 times within 180 days after the first purchase of the eBook
(1) Purchased “book A” 5 times on Aug.1, 2019
(2) Purchased “book A” 5 times on Sep.1, 2019
(3) Can purchase “book A” up to 5 times from Jan.28, 2020 - Purchasable regions of eBooks are based on the purchaser, not the recipient.
- Three types of payment methods are available when buying as a gift. Please note that you may not select multiple payment methods when checking out.
1. Credit Card (You need to register your credit card in advance from My Account.)
2. PayPal (You need to agree to a pre-approved payment on the BOOK☆WALKER store on PayPal website.)
- Gift codes are valid for 180 days from its purchase, and can be only used once.
[Example] When purchased on Aug.1, 2019, the gift code is valid up to Jan.27, 2020. - You can check the gift code and its expiration date from [My Account] > [Your Gift Orders].
- We do not accept cancellations/refund for the gift codes.
- If a limited time bonus item (such as original bookshelf skins and bonus illustrations) expires before the eBook is redeemed, the recipient will not be able to receive the bonus item. See eBooks with bonus items from here.
- Free or pre-order titles, as well as bundles are not available for gift purchase.
- Discounted eBooks are eligible for gift purchase.
- Even for titles which have been put down from the BOOK☆WALKER store, the receiver will be able to redeem the eBook as long as the it has been purchased before it has suspended its sales.
- Gift codes cannot be resold.