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My purchased eBooks disappeared


There might be several reasons for that, such as listed below:

Your eBooks are in your [Archive]

It’s possible that your eBooks got moved to your Archive.

To move your archived eBooks back to [My Library] please follow the steps below:


  1. Select “Settings” – “My Page”
  2. Select “Archived Books” under Menu
  3. Choose the eBooks you wish to restore, then select “Retrieve from Archive”
  4. Restored eBook(s) will appear in “My Library”

Web Browser  

  1. Go to the “Archived eBooks” page
  2. Choose the eBooks you wish to restore, then select “Retrieve from Archive” button at the bottom
  3. Restored eBook(s) will appear on the “Purchased eBooks” page

*For more details about the Archive, please check the FAQ: What are “Archived Books”?


You purchased eBooks with a [niconico] account

If you’re also using a niconico account and you linked your account to your BOOK☆WALKER account with “Additional Sign-in”, your BOOK☆WALKER account information will be prioritized.

If you purchased you eBooks using niconico, please sign-in using your niconico account without using “Additional Sign-in” and check your “Archive


You accidentally created another account

Please check your personal information on [My Account] to see if the account you are currently signed-in and the account you made purchases with is the same.

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