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How can I link my BOOK☆WALKER and niconico account?


Please use the “Additional sign-in” function

If you have both a niconico and a BOOK☆WALKER account, you can access your eBooks purchased on each store by using the “Additional sign-in” function.


How to link your accounts

1. Sign-in with your BOOK☆WALKER account on your BOOK☆WALKER App.
2. Tap [Settings] > [Account: “Additional Sign-in” with Niconico Book Account]

3. The following message will be displayed > tap [OK]

4. You will be redirected to the niconico  login page > login

5. “Additional sign-in” complete



It’s also possible to use “Additional sign-in” for your BOOK☆WALKER account after signing-in using your [niconico] account.

If you sign-out, you will be signed-out with both accounts. Please use the “Additional sign-in” again next time you sign-in.

“Additional sign-in” is only required if you use a BOOK☆WALKER and a niconico account.

Once “Additional sign-in” performed, it is not possible to separate your BOOK☆WALKER and [niconico] account.

Coins/points cannot be transferred between your BOOK☆WALKER and [niconico] account.

After using “Additional sign-in”, the data from your BOOK☆WALKER account will be prioritized.

The BOOK☆WALKER Global web store can only be accessed with one account at the time. Please be careful when making a purchase.

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