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How can I permanently delete eBooks?


You can either move them to your Archive or permanently delete them

In order to delete eBooks permanently, they first have to be moved to the archive.

When you delete an eBook from your Archive, it will be completely deleted from your account.
It will not possible to re-download, restore or repurchase the eBook again.


How to move eBooks to the Archive

Please check our FAQ: How can I archive my eBooks without deleting them?

By moving eBooks to your Archive, they will be removed from your Library, but not permanently deleted. It’s also possible to retrieve them back to your Library.


How to permanently delete eBooks


  1. Select “Settings” > “My Page”
  2. Select “Archived eBooks”

3. Choose the eBooks you wish to delete, then tap the “Delete (Proceed and confirm)” at the bottom


Web Browser 

  1. Go to the “Archived eBooks” page
  2. Choose the eBooks you wish to delete, then click “Delete (Proceed and confirm)” at the bottom

*When you delete an eBook from your Archive, it will be completely deleted from your account.
*You will NOT be able to re-download, restore or repurchase the eBook again.



*eBooks retrieved from another store using Bookshelf Linkage can also be removed.
*Deleted eBook(s) from the [Archive] will not be shown in [My Library], and it’s not possible to retrieve or re-purchase it. However, it will not affect other functions.
*It’s only possible to permanently delete eBook(s) from the [Archive] of account registered using an external account (Apple, Google, Facebook, etc.), if you added an email address as another sign-in method. (Not possible for NicoNico).
*Please check NicoNico account related Help Pages to delete your eBook(s) from your NicoNico Account.

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