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How can I download/ delete eBooks, change the reading status or move eBooks to my bookshelf in a bulk?


To download/ delete eBooks, change the reading status or move eBooks to your bookshelf in a bulk, please refer to the steps below:

First open your Library.


1. Press the “Select” icon.


2. Press “Select all” or select the desired eBooks.


3. Select the desired function from the menu at the bottom.

①Download: Download all selected eBooks.
②Clear Data: Remove downloaded eBooks from your device.
③Delete: Move all selected eBooks from “My Library” to “Archive” or remove all selected eBooks from your bookshelves.
④Bookshelf: Add selected books to a bookshelf , also you can create new bookshelf here.
⑤Status: Change the reading status of selected books to “Unread” or “Read”.




1. Press the “✓” icon.


2. Press “Select all” or select the desired eBooks.


3. Select the desired function from the menu.

①Download: Download all selected eBooks.
②Clear Data: Remove downloaded eBooks from your device.
③Delete: Move all selected eBooks from “My Library” to “Archive” or remove all selected eBooks from your bookshelves.
④Bookshelf: Add selected books to a bookshelf , also you can create new bookshelf here.
⑤Status: Change the reading status of selected books to “Unread” or “Read”.

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