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How can I register/change with my credit card information?


Please follow the instruction below

As of March 27, 2024, the credit card payment for purchases from the BOOK☆WALKER Global and Japan store is separated. 
Therefore if you want to purchase titles from both stores it’s necessary to registered your credit card on both stores.


BOOK☆WALKER Global Store

1. Access your “My Account” > “Personal Information: Credit Card”

2. Click  “Edit”

3. Follow the instructions on Stripe

Please note that a mobile number is required to register your credit card.

*By registering your credit card, you will create an account on Link.



How to register your credit card


It’s not possible to register your credit card with the BOOK☆WALKER App. Please use a web browser.

1. Access “マイページ” (My Account)> 会員情報 > クレジットカード情報 (Personal Information: Credit Card Information)

2. Click “変更” (Edit)

3. Enter your credit card information and click “次へ” (Confirm)

2. Confirm the information and click “次へ” (Proceed)

3. The below message will confirm the registration



1. Access “マイページ” (My Account) > “会員情報: クレジットカード (“Personal Information: Credit Card)

2. Click “変更” (Edit)

3. Check CAPCHA and click “進む” (Continue)

4. Enter your credit card information and click “次へ” (Confirm)



Pay with your registered credit card


It’s not possible to pay with your credit card with the BOOK☆WALKER App. Please use a web browser.

1. Confirm the information, enter your security code and click “次へ” (Confirm)

2. Double check the information and click “購入” (Proceed)

3. The below message will confirm your purchase



1. Confirm the information, enter your security code and click “次へ” (Confirm)

2. Double check the information and click “購入” (Proceed)

3. The below message will confirm your purchase



If you want to pay with your credit card on the Global store without registering it, please follow the steps below:

1. Add a title to your cart
2. Click “Select Payment Method”
3. Choose “Credit Card”
4. Click “Pay with Selected Method”
5. Enter an email address, card information, name on card, country or region, and click “Pay”

Please note it’s necessary to register your credit card if you want to use your credit card for pre-orders or gift purchases.

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