Are all eBooks sold on BOOK☆WALKER in English?
BOOK☆WALKER is divided in two web store
The BOOK☆WALKER Global Store (global.bookwalker.jp) and the BOOK☆WALKER Japan store (bookwalker.jp).
BOOK☆WALKER Global Store
The BOOK☆WALKER Global store only offers eBooks in English.
The BOOK☆WALKER Japan store mainly offers eBooks in Japanese.
All content and information on the Japan store are however only provided in Japanese.
Once you create a free account on BOOK☆WALKER, you can use the same account for both the Global and the Japan store to purchase and read your eBooks on the BOOK☆WALKER App or with the Browser Viewer.
You can access both stores through Google Chrome, Safari or other web browsers and you the Global store also with the BOOK☆WALKER App.