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What kind of point-back promotions are there?


We have two types of promotions – “Point-Back” and “Point Reward”

The timing of when points are granted differs depending on the promotion type.

Point-back Promotions

Points are granted upon each purchase.

Store-wide point-back promotion:

  • All eBooks excluding New Release titles (eBooks which are released within the past 2 weeks and have a “NEW” icon), or all eBooks within a certain category or from a certain publisher on the Global Store are subject of the promotion.
  • You will not get point-back based on your membership rank.
  • The point-back rate for this promotion may differ according to your membership rank.
  • Points granted through this type of promotion usually expires at the end of 5 months from the promotion starting date, in PT (Pacific Time).


Individual point-back promotion:

  • Titles are selected based on a certain theme or series for example, and you will earn additional point-backs on top of your membership rank point-backs.
  • In this type of promotion, all BOOK☆WALKER members will receive the same amount of point-backs, regardless of their membership rank.
  • Points granted through this type of promotion usually expires at the end of 5 months from the promotion starting date, in PT (Pacific Time).


Please always check each promotion information page for details.


Reward Point Promotions

Points are granted after the promotion ends. 

A certain amount of points will be additionally granted after the promotion period, depending on the number of eBooks purchased.

(Ex) 3-step Reward point promotion

  • Buy 2 eBooks: 4 points granted
  • Buy 5 eBooks: 12 points granted
  • Buy 10 eBooks: 30 points granted

Points will be granted within 3-4 business days after the promotion has ended.



For some point-back promotions, you will not be eligible for a point-back when using coupons.

Gift purchases are not eligible for point-back promotions.

All points expire based on PT (Pacific Time).

Please refer to the BOOK☆WALKER Point page for details.

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