The BOOK☆WALKER App crashed or eBook pages look corrupted
Please try the following steps to see if they solve the issue
Reboot your device
If you can’t solve the issue by rebooting your device, try the steps below.
Regenerate your eBook list
By regenerating your eBook list the information of your eBooks will be cleared on your device and the accurate information will be downloaded.
- Access [Settings]
- Tap [Book Date: Server management]
- Tap [Regenerating your book list]
- Check your Library
It may take a while depending on the total number of eBooks have purchased.
Move your eBooks to the Archive and restore them
How to archive downloaded eBooks
- Go to “My Library” or “Bookshelf”
- Select “Edit” or Edit icon
- Select the eBooks you wish to hide
- Select “Store in Archive” > “Delete” > “Archive/Delete”
Web Browser (My Library)
- Go to the “Purchased eBooks” page
- Select the eBooks you wish to hide
- Select “Add selected eBooks to archive” button shown at the bottom of the screen
How to restore archived eBooks
- Select “Settings” – “My Page”
- Select “Archived Books” under Menu
- Choose the eBooks you wish to restore, then select “Retrieve from Archive”
- Restored eBook(s) will appear in “My Library”
Web Browser
- Go to the “Archived eBooks” page
- Choose the eBooks you wish to restore, then select “Retrieve from Archive” button
- Restored eBook(s) will appear on the “Purchased eBooks” page