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How can I download PC Viewer App?


Please read the below information carefully

To concentrate on offering and developing the Browser Viewer, the PC Viewer App won’t be updated anymore.
The distribution and usage of the PC Viewer App might stop without prior notice due to OS update and/or security countermeasures.
In this case, the Browser Viewer will become the only option to read eBooks on PC, which requires a stable internet connection.


How to download the PC App

Click here to install BOOK☆WALKER PC Viewer App.

Please read the information and requirement before installation.



The PC Viewer App “BOOK☆WALKER for Windows/Mac” is not compatible with external account sign-in, such as Google.
Please link your e-mail address account in order to use the PC Viewer App.

Please also check further information: [Important Notice] Changes to the reading environment on desktop PC (Dec.20, 2017).

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